How to draw eyes doesn’t have to be as difficult as it sounds. Here’s how to draw eyes using these easy step by step video lessons anyone can follow …
When you learn how to draw faces step by step, it can be difficult for beginner artists to understand how to draw eyes. Eye drawing is easy once you know the correct techniques involved. Hopefully you are one of the lucky one who will find eye drawing easy.
Want to learn how to draw eyes and more? Check out our beginner drawing course

The biggest question in learning how to draw realistic faces is getting the eye the correct shape. When you learn how to draw an eye you also need to take great care in how to draw eyelashes. The eyelashes and the eye together create a symmetry to create a realistic face.
Anime is a drawing style that originates from Japan. Anime eyes are very different from how you would do a normal eye drawing step by step. Learning how to draw anime eyes is not difficult it just requires a different technique. The anime eyes can be used to add depth and dimension when learning how to draw people.
When learning to draw faces step by step it is important to draw realistic eyes. It is hard to know where to begin when drawing the human figure for beginners especially the face. Like most things in life practice makes perfect so learning how to draw a realistic eye step by step just needs a little practice.
You can draw anything you want when you sit down with your drawing equipment. Next time you are set to practice try practicing how to draw a eye. Learning how to draw faces is a topic most people need help with especially the eye area. A great tool is to do a search for drawing videos step by step to follow along with.

When learning how to draw step by step you can practice by using how to draw videos found on youtube. These are a great way to brush up on the areas you are struggling with. For example if you are struggling with how to draw a realistic eye just type this into the search bar and you will be learning how to draw eyes in no time.
Are you looking to learn how to draw an eye step by step? This is a topic that can be quite tricky to master without the right tools and techniques. It is always great to find how to draw videos online that give you the right information you need to learn how to draw realistic eyes.
Learning how to draw cartoon eyes is quite popular for people looking to draw looney tunes cartoon characters. Drawing cartoon eyes does require patience and some practice but it adds dimension to your normal portrait drawings. Some easy to draw cartoon characters include Bugs Bunny and Tweety.
Manga is Japanese art/comics. It is like how you would draw anime eyes step by step. There are different variations on the style of drawing, but they all have the same way about them. Learning how to draw manga eyes is a specialised field in the art world but does give you great skills to apply to drawing cartoon eyes also.
When you learn to draw step by step you will have so much more appreciation for the harder topics in drawing. Drawing the human figure for beginners and learning how to draw eyes are those harder topics that takes a few attempts to master. Don’t get discouraged. If these are too hard for now you can literally draw anything you want if you keep practicing with any type of drawing you will see the improvements in the future

If you are looking to learn how to draw anime people you need to practice the eyes. This skill will be a huge help to having realistic anime drawings. To perfect and correctly learn how to draw anime eyes you need to know the styles vary vastly. It will take a bit of practice to get a good handle on drawing eyes but good luck!
If you thought drawing an eye was quite similar no matter who you were drawing then think again. Take for example how to draw boy eyes. The eye tends to be more squared than what you would find on the female form. The eyelid is more angled, and the eyebrows are thicker and lower towards the eye. There are some great how to draw videos available online and this might be your next topic to check out.
Learning how to draw Disney characters is a great topic for kids who are learning to draw. It is something they can relate to having seen the movies and have a favourite character. Step by step drawing for kids is a great activity for them to open their mind and get creative. You can even make a fun interactive game out of it and call the game how to draw things step by step.
With any drawing you aim to have it looking realistic. Anyone can learn to draw realistic animals with the help of step by step instructions. You will find some animals have similar traits which makes it a little bit easier. For example wolf eyes are similar to a tigers eye. Drawing animal eyes gives you the opportunity to get creative and draw eyes the way you imagine them.
A quick survey recently said the top 3 frustrating drawing topics beginners found were: how to draw faces, how to draw eyes and how to draw people. There is a common trend here with all being about drawing the human figure for beginners. It does tend to trip up novice artists but with a little practice and time you can learn how to draw a realistic person step by step without frustration.

What is the number one frustration with learning how to draw eyelashes? It all comes down to the out of proportion and shape of the eye on the drawing. When the eye is out, it puts the rest of the face features out as well. We recommend to learn to draw faces step by step and don’t skip a step. Learn it to avoid future frustration when drawing the human figure for beginners especially.
When an anime eye is drawn you get different features compare to the usual human form. It is what you see in the Japanese cartoons where the cartoon characters eye looks like they are crying. It is actually quite a popular form of art and learning how to draw anime people can broaden your drawing skills.
How to draw eyes for beginners is a huge topic when you search for it online. It is best to learn eye drawing step by step first so you get the basic foundation to avoid frustration down the line. The eyes play a huge part in learning how to draw realistic faces and it can trip up someone who hasn’t mastered the initial steps of the eye. It is just like building a house. You do not put the roof on first without the walls.
I have read drawing enthusiast want to learn how to draw cute animals but cute eyes? This is a new one I hadn’t heard before. I guess if you are learning how to draw animals you want to make them look cute also which would be great for rabbit but where to begin for cute eyes? My suggestion is to learn how to draw realistic faces and hope the subject in those portraits are cute!
In Japanese Chibi means small. When you apply this to drawing it means simplistic eye or big/cute eye. This form of drawing is done for drawing cartoon eyes and anime. When you know how it is quite an easy technique to master as there is not so many lines and features like you would in learning how to draw people and in particular realistic faces.

Dragons are mythical creatures seen in story books and the movies. We can bring them to our world with drawing, but how to make them realistic when it tends to change depending on the medium we are seeing them in. It isn’t like how you would learn how to draw animals. Dragons are more a creative process where you can design your own.
Some great advice when learning how to draw eyes for beginners is that the outline should not be too dark because you don’t want it showing through at the end. Just something as simple as this is what makes a realistic face. It isn’t rocket science it is simply how you learn to draw with these easy to follow step by step techniques.
What makes someone interested in learning how to draw anime people? Due to its Japanese background it is quite a subtle art form. If you are wanting to draw proper anime the secret is in knowing actual anatomy. You need to know how the real body is put together before you starts over exaggerating it.
Everyone these days probably already knows how to draw emojis especially the winking emoji but what a real winking eye? The key to learn how to draw realistic faces is all about the expression. Expressing a wink in artwork is not difficult. In the art world it implies a teasing, light-hearted tone to the canvas or paper.
How to draw anime eyes step by step is a great way to add depth and expand your drawing repertoire. It isn’t very common among artists as it is a more unique and depends on the taste of the artists. You may have touched on some of the techniques involved if you have previously learned how to draw cartoon people.