I’m Victoria Ascani, Giovanna Ratti’s daughter. My mum just told me she received an email from you regarding your courses.
Even though my mum is the one subscribed to your tutorial course, I am in fact the one who uses them.
I am only 15 but I’ve loved art all my life!! A couple of years ago, I had started an Instagram art page (currently called @victoriaascanii) however due to school I never really had much time to use it.. but recently, since I’m now doing GCSE’s in the U.K. and have had more free time on my hands, I have restarted to use my art account and I plan on continuing to use it as I truly love art!!
My favourite celebrity, for the past 4 years, has been Shawn Mendes, and during the last two weeks, when time allowed, I have worked EXTREMELY hard on a drawing, which I am soso proud of, and it’s all thanks to your tutorials!!
They have taught me how to successfully develop my artistic skills and they have allowed me to rapidly achieve a piece of artwork which has, to this moment, received a great amount of compliments!!
I love your tutorials and I can’t wait to continue practicing in order to become better at what I do, and hopefully receive recognition for my work someday (as I plan on working in a creative field when I am older) I really hope you enjoy this time-lapse video of my drawing and don’t hesitate to contact my mum and I for anything!! :))
thank you so so much for everything and I truly hope you might decide to feature my video/picture on your page!!
Thank you again!!

Drawing Made Easy, is amazing for anyone who wants to learn to draw.
I highly recommend it. I am 14 years old and self taught, so this has been very helpful to me.
My social media… @chrissysartstudio
Thank you for all your help so far. I will continue to use your lessons to progress even further!

I recently used your Drawing made Easy site in learning how to do a portrait of someone.
It really helped a great deal
Even more so … I found myself in our local newspaper painting our Local Liberian Susan Merrillo for a sitting!
How’s that for an aspiring artist!
Thank you for all your help and tutorials so far.