How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits With Extra ‘Props’ For Enhancement

Drawing people accurately is obviously necessary in making successful family portraits ... ... but you can add depth and interest to the picture by also adding props. Objects that help to tell a story, give a sense of the family's personality, and help connect the viewer to the people in the picture. Some common

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits With Extra ‘Props’ For Enhancement2017-10-31T13:18:48+10:00

5 Ways To Make Portrait Drawing Easier

It is difficult enough to draw one portrait ... ... drawing an entire family sometimes seems like an impossible task! To save yourself a lot of time and frustration, follow this procedure: 1. Sketch the Big Shapes. Get the heads on the page first and get a sense of sizing, placement, and cropping. Don't

5 Ways To Make Portrait Drawing Easier2017-10-31T13:18:48+10:00

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits By Rendering Hair For Different Ages

Hair is generally more coarse in adults, finer and softer for children and babies. When you're drawing a family portrait, it's important to be able to realistically show a difference ... ... because often times a wide age range is represented in the family. No matter whose hair you're drawing, begin with some lines

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits By Rendering Hair For Different Ages2017-10-31T13:18:49+10:00

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits Using Light And Dark Contrasts

It is often necessary to build up large black areas in pencil drawings, either for backgrounds or clothing. If you try to make blacks by using soft graphite pencil and "scrubbing" the paper ... ... the result will be uneven and shiny rather than a flat black. Using a charcoal pencil is an improvement,

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits Using Light And Dark Contrasts2017-10-31T13:18:49+10:00

Using Templates In Your Portrait Drawings To Increase Realism

Templates are available in a huge range of shapes and sizes ... ... and if you want realism in your drawings, you'll need to invest in some. Start with a set of circles, ovals, and squares, but it's a good idea to look over the options to keep in mind for future projects. Templates

Using Templates In Your Portrait Drawings To Increase Realism2017-10-31T13:18:49+10:00

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits With Charcoal And Graphite

Because graphite and charcoal are molecularly different ... ... they have unique characteristics that can be utilized to increase the realism in a drawing. Particles of graphite are uniform and flat, so laid down heavily, graphite reflects the light and appears silver and metallic. Charcoal, conversely, has an irregular particle shape. The darks that

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits With Charcoal And Graphite2017-10-31T13:18:49+10:00

Using ‘White Line’ Detail To Improve Your Realistic Portraits

Often times in drawings, there are white lines that are very fine sitting against a dark background. Some examples are flyaway hairs, stiches in cloth, lettering, highlights in the eye, or texture in fabrics. These lines pose a difficult problem because they're too small to be effectively picked out with an eraser after laying

Using ‘White Line’ Detail To Improve Your Realistic Portraits2017-10-31T13:18:50+10:00

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits Using ‘Frisket Film’

Frisket film is available at many art and hobby stores, generally wherever airbrushing materials are sold. It is essentially a clear, low-tack sticker. It can be cut easily with scissors or exato knives and applied to paper, drawin over, then removed. Use it in your drawings to achieve clean, precise lines and both positive

How To Improve Your Realistic Portraits Using ‘Frisket Film’2017-10-31T13:18:50+10:00

How To Keep Textures Distinctive In Your Overall Drawing

Keep textures in your drawings distinct by utilizing different blending techniques for each. In general, for smooth skin, lay down tone with graphite and blend with a chamois. For hair, use charcoal and blend lightly with tortillons. Clothing, though, varies so much from fabric to fabric that there are no hard rules or even

How To Keep Textures Distinctive In Your Overall Drawing2017-10-31T13:18:50+10:00

Another Way To Get Smooth Tones On Paper Without Blending With A Pencil

There is another way to get smooth, progressive tone on the paper that doesn't involve applying medium with a pencil and then blending it smooth. That way is to paint the tone directly on the paper. Painting in charcoal or graphite dust creates different textures depending on how it's applied and blended out. The

Another Way To Get Smooth Tones On Paper Without Blending With A Pencil2017-10-31T13:18:50+10:00

Two Ways To Heighten The Realism Of Your Portrait Drawings Instantly

The planes of the face that are perpendicular to the light source are of course in shadow but ... ... the depth and tilt of the plane is expressed via reflected light that bounces from surrounding objects. It is very important, therefore, to heighten the realism in your drawings by looking for such areas

Two Ways To Heighten The Realism Of Your Portrait Drawings Instantly2017-10-31T13:18:50+10:00

How To Make Your Portrait Drawings Better Than The Average Artist

There are many things a skilled portrait artist can do to elevate his or her art above theĀ average artist's offering... ... and one of these is to take time and develop the clothes in great detail. The clothes are generally finished last on a portrait, and as such are often overlooked or rushed through

How To Make Your Portrait Drawings Better Than The Average Artist2017-10-31T13:18:51+10:00

The Most Effective Way Too Build Up Contrast In Portraits

The most effective way to build up contrast in portraits is to gradually darken the tone in shadow areas by ... layering pencil strokes blending to smooth repeating until the darks are sufficiently dark. The problem is that every time you blend, you lift up tone and lighten the appearance, which means that the

The Most Effective Way Too Build Up Contrast In Portraits2017-10-31T13:18:51+10:00